Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fun Stuff on the Internet

Stuff to Read

  • For Exposure tweets ridiculous things that clients offer to pay artists with, instead of money.  It's hilarious and sad all at the same time.
  • Manage Your Day to Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind by Jocelyn K. Glei.  My friend Emily showed me this book a while ago and I've been devouring it lately. It's already helped me keep my days on track and my creative juices flowing!  I think it's was less than $4 in the kindle store...if you're a creative (especially working from home), I definitely recommend it.   

Stuff to Make

  • DIY book jackets are so fun!  I have so many small sketch books that are all kinds of colors and just look messy sitting around.  Creating a fun color palette will make things look a lot neater...and cuter.
  • Character References Pinterest board is a must follow for me!  You won't have to look anywhere else for good reference drawings.
  • These fun modern friendship bracelets would be a great, quick weekend project.
  • Painted shelves  are probably going to happen in our new space.  We've got a whole wall we're going to hang shelves on and I think these are too much fun!

Stuff to Wear

  • This dress is on sale right now and I'm dying!
  • I'm kind of into jumpers right now and this one is perfection.
  • This collection of South Pacific inspired pieces is so cute!  It's one of my most favorite musicals.

Stuff to Use
Pattern Society - Valencia Rug via Design*Sponge
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! NEED! It should come in pink, though.

Stuff to Eat
This Blueberry Pie recipe from my friend Kristen looks insane!
Brownie Batter Dip is like ambrosia.
I'm totally jumping on the smoothie bandwagon.  I've got kale in my fridge right now, you guys.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo of your cat and that RUG is so cute. all of my accent walls throughout my apartment are that teal blue color! (:

    Also, I really want that book (manage your day-to-day) I am needing some new business reads. I hope you have a great weekend! thank you for sharing!!!


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