Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daily Drawing: 191 | Crochet Time!

After spending a few weeks unpacking and getting our new little place together settled, I feel good about pouring back into my work.  There's still a lot to do around the house, but the bathroom, kitchen and workspaces are done.  Those are the places we spend most of our time, so I think we're in a good place.

So I unpacked the yarn!  I'm gearing up for some big stuff this winter, so I'll be crocheting my little fingers off this summer.  I can't wait!  It's so funny...I love all kinds of crafting and I've sold all manner of handmade goods on etsy in my time.  But I got physically happy to get my hooks and yarn out.  It really is one of my favorite things to do ^_^

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!

1 comment:

  1. I love crochet too. The only thing is, I am still in the learning stages. I am not very good at it and am having trouble learning how to actually make things. I can't wait to see what all big things you have to share this winter!


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