Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Daily Drawing: 184 | Cars

I spent my morning today at the dealership because my car's check engine light came on for about a week, and then turned off yesterday.  That and the A/C only works on full blast.  And there's a mad squeak when you turn it on and drive for about 50 yards and then stops.  And the passenger door is smooshed and will only open from the inside.  My car's got character.

So I got the squeak fixed, but the check engine light was trying to tell me my catalytic converter was totally shot.  That, plus a myriad of other fun things they found in their...thorough...inspection, means that we've got some big decisions to make.  No matter what we decide, my little car has been with me almost 10 years and I'll always love her to bits ^_^

Oh!  And I got some more unpacking done and fixed up the kitchen a little bit! Hence the cookbooks in today's drawing.  It's fun to finally start decorating, even if it's just one corner of the kitchen.

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!


  1. Love these adorable little drawings you do! Clever!

  2. Thanks, Kirsten!! They're so fun to do ^_^


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