Monday, July 15, 2013

Custom Illustrations

Since doing my daily drawings, I'd been wanting to branch out an draw some folks other than myself ^_^ I put a call out to my friends on instagram to see if anyone would be interested in some custom illustrations, and got a few takers!  Below are few I've done so far...

I interned with Kendall at Curly Red when I was in school!  I learned so much from her and was so glad to spend that time with someone who had the same entrepreneurial spirit that I did.  Definitely check out her blog, facebook, twitter & instagram!  (She's also got the cutest little girls ever)

Lindsay is a good friend of mine who shares my love of Peter Pan collars.  She's an incredible cook and baker and I made two versions of her because she's a huge fitness inspiration for me!  Her instagram feed is all about being fit, eating right and inspiring others to do the same.  Love this girl!

Lindsey and I went to school together in Salisbury and she loves sharks!

Knox & Alyssa are getting married this year and wanted a portrait for their invites,...and just to have ^_^

Laura was my wedding photographer and she and her boyfriend just got a new place together!
I updated my shop and added listing for both single and couple illustrations.  My sweet husband keeps saying I need to put some drawings up in my shop and I'll be adding a few here and there through out the summer.  So excited!  It's mostly gonna be cats.  Not gonna lie.

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