Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Wimberley Market Days

Last weekend, Andy and I spent some time in my favorite place...Wimberley, Texas.  My Grandmother lived there and I spent so much time there growing up.  It's in the Hill Country...I'll have to try and take some photos that really capture the beauty of this place.  Words just can't describe!

So we spent the night with my Aunt and her husband Doug, who live in Grandmother's house now.  It's the family house and truly our home!  We were treated with the most ridiculous breakfast tacos in the morning (and I was brought to my knees by the hottest and most delicious green salsa...it was a beast!) and then made our way to Market Days!  

Market Days happen the first Saturday of every month and has over 475 booths of handmade and vintage and food and...everything!  I used to go with my Mom and I'm pretty sure that's where my love of old stuff came from.  We would go through every booth and look every little thing.  We're definitely a treasure hunting family!  Andy and I went a couple of years ago, but I'd just gotten a tattoo and had to keep it covered from the sun, so my hoodie didn't really work out well when the weather was in the 90s.  We barely lasted an hour this time when were dressed appropriately!  Gotta get used to this gorgeous climate again :P

Anyway!  Pictures of the cool stuff we saw!

Word to the wise...get there early in the cool morning.  Also, you will get lost.  It's a fact.  Don't try to avoid it...just accept it.  But it's ok!  Follow the sounds of the live music and the smell of bbq and you'll make you're way out ^_^

There's such a great variety of stuff here!  Food, vintage, handmade and lots of plants.  This is the cutest booth here, in my humble opinion.  I can't wait till we have our real place and I can start planting all the succulents I can find!

So here's my Six rules to surviving Market Days:
  • Go early. They open at 7am, so take advantage of that gorgeous breezy Hill Country morning, cuz it's gonna get hot!  On a similar note, wear sunscreen.  
  • Look at everything!  There's so much to see, just soak in your time there and really look.  It's only there for one day a month, so that regret you feel after not getting something will be even worse :P
  • Don't worry if you get lost.  You will.  It's fine.  There's little maps all around, just retrace your steps and follow sounds of the live music under the pavilion. 
  • If you're going for furniture, bring a truck.  If you're expecting to pick up anything bigger, bring a little hand cart with wheels.  The paths are paved, so it will be a big help.
  • Talk to folks!  After being on the East Coast for a while, my walls are pretty built up.  This was a great way to talk to strangers, see what they're all about and get a good deal!
  • Have fun!
 There's so much fun variety here...you could spend all day poking around every single booth.   It's a treasure hunter's dream for sure.  I hope you guys get a chance to come visit and see this awesome market!

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