Thursday, June 06, 2013

Thrifty Thursday - Top Drawer Thrift

Today's Thrifty Thursday is the first in Texas!  I finally went out and explored the area in search for some really good thrift stores.  I new they were close...I could feel it in my bones!  There are a bunch on Burnet Road in Austin, and this one is my favorite so far.  Most were very Goodwill-esque with more modern selections, or clothing-centric with very minimal vintage sections.  But Top Drawer was like walking into vintage dream.  Their selection was huge and varied...I went through the whole place twice and kept seeing things I missed during my first pass.  So fun!

Top Drawer Thrift
website / facebook / twitter
address : 4902 Burnet Road, Austin, Texas 78756
hours :  Monday - Saturday: 10am - 6pm 

Seriously.  This shop's tagline is "separating the wheat from the chaff since '93" and it's so right.  After combing through 3 other thrift shops on the same street and coming up empty handed (seriously...I lived through the 90s...I don't want to do that again), Top Drawer was like a breath of fresh air.  And everything was reasonably priced, too!  I got a super cute shirt for $2.  It's dangerous in there, you guys.  But who cares about me rambling...PHOTOS!

This is right in the front window and made me giggle before I even got in the door.
And this is what greets you when you first walk in...heaven!
I think I might go back and grab a ton of shirts to make t-shirt yarn!  You can't beat 2 for $1!
That thing where you almost faint in the middle of the store.  I totally forgot the check the price on this, but I might need to back and at least ogle it a little more.
There were bunches of knick knacks and chotskies, too.  I was thisclose to getting that little aqua candle holder shaped like two flowers at the bottom right. It's only $2 if anyone wants to go grab it! 
That's a Hasselblad case in the front!  I guess if the Hasselblad was actually in it it would be a little more than the $75 price tag that was there.

So...if you're in Austin and love MUST stop by this shop!  Like seriously...stop what you're doing and go there now!  I will warn, it's so awesome that parking might be difficult.  But don't that sway you.  Must. See.  It will not disappoint.

***If you've got any shops you love, or own, that you'd like to feature, just shoot a note over to becky@thepinksamurai with the name, website/facebook, address, hours a few things that make it awesome, I'd love to take a look!!!***

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