Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Second Hand Store

This shop was one I just happened to pass during my first trip to Burnet Rd. and I added it to my second trip list.  When Aunt Debbie and I were poking around town, we stopped in to take a peek.

Second Hand Store
address : 7305 Burnet Rd, AustinTX 78757
hours : ??? - will update when I find out!

When we stopped in, the owner was really nice and said they were a junk shop and everything as everywhere.  At first you look and think it's just a normal second hand store, but then you see all the awesome deco furniture and realize the dates on these pieces are a lot old than you're used to!  Everything was spread out and there's three separate rooms filled mostly with furniture.  If you're looking for unique pieces to add to your home, I would definitely stop by this shop.  Now! Pictures!

The front room is very full, and I recommend a couple of walk-throughs since you'll inevitably pass up some some really cool stuff.  I walked by a second time and noticed so much more! 
Left and bottom right are from this amazing deco dresser!  They were into chevrons before pinterest existed :P
Need any chairs?
Left is a wonderful deco dresser that is in need of good make-under and right is a sewing table!  No sewing machine, but the table is just gorgeous.  It needs a little love, too, but it's got such great bones.  

If you're in the market for a good DIY project or need some fun furniture, or are looking for props for a vintage shoot or wedding, I would definitely stop by Second Hand.  Their prices are more than reasonable and the owner is very helpful.  I'd love to know if you stop by and what you found!

/// If you've got any shops you love, or own, that you'd like me to feature, just shoot a
note over to becky@thepinksamurai with the name, website/facebook, address, hours a few things that make it awesome, I'd love to take a look!!!

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