Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Out of the Past

I'm finding that Burnet Road in Austin is a treasure trove of thrift shopping in Austin.  I might just spend a whole day there just making sure I find every shop!  Today's shop is one I'd been wanting to check out for a little while and I'm so glad I got take a peek yesterday.

Out of the Past
address : 5341 Burnet Rd., Austin, Texas 78756
hours :  Monday - Saturday: 10am - 6pm | Sunday: 12pm - 6pm

Out of the Past is full to the brim with everything you could possible imagine.  I was overwhelmed by how dense it was and immediately knew I'd be spending a lot of time here because I want to see absolutely everything!  The prices are reasonable, the owners are nice and I promise you can find absolutely anything you're looking for here.  I'll let the pictures do most of the talking because there's no way for me to accurately describe this shop!

When you first walk in, you'll be all, "OH MY GOD!"  And that the proper response.  It'll take a minute for it to really sink in.  Then you'll want to spend the rest of your life in there looking at every little thing.
I think I might need that clock.  Also, confession, most of the pictures I took were just to record the things I wanted to go back and get :P
In the back they had a ton of old comics on this shelf (that's got two sections this size) and in short boxes on a tall shelf around the corner.  From what I could tell, they're mostly 80s and 90s.  Not in any order, but that makes the hunt that more satisfying when you find what you want ^_^  
How precious is that glass?!  Andy and I have a running joke about not needing any more glassware or dishware since we bought everything for our wedding.  And I have a major weakness for vintage glassware and dishes.  But we got rid of a lot of it for the
Lots and lots of jewelry here, too!  They got a bunch of mesh bags that were very deco, think Gatsby, and gorgeous!  I couldn't get a good shot of them, but trust me.
They have so many toys, too!  It's like they found all your old toys and put them on display ^_^
STAR WARS!  Tons of original toys in glass cases that were impossible for me to shoot.  I need a polarizer! 

I absolutely love this shop and will be going back as soon as I'm done writing this to get a present for Andy!  If you don't hear from me in a while, I'll be lost in the shelves having a vintage overload ^_^

/// If you've got any shops you love, or own, that you'd like me to feature, just shoot a note over to becky@thepinksamurai with the name, website/facebook, address, hours a few things that make it awesome, I'd love to take a look!!!

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