Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Favorite Estate Sale Resources

I frequent estate sales.  Now that no longer have a day job, I have more time to go exploring check out places I wouldn't normally have the time to visit.  I thought, since a few people had asked where I find out about all the sales I visit, I'd write post and share my resources!

There's a great post called Estate Sale 101 over on The Dainty Squid, and I think she did a phenomenal job of summing up what estate sales really are and what to expect when you go to one.  Definitely hop over there and see what Kaylah's got to say. I do have to almost disagree with a bit of her advice though, because as much as I love the deep discounts that a lot of people offer on Sunday's, I like to scope it out and make sure to snap up anything I know I'll really want earlier in the sale.  Then, for the things that are just fun to have, I'll wait till Sunday and late Fate decide if it's meant to be.  It really depends on if you're going for something specific, looking for something that catches your eye, or sourcing for resale ^_^ Now...onto the super secret sources!


1. EstateSales.Net - This is one that Kaylah mentions, too, and I have to say that it's my favorite.  It's consistant and you can get emails sent to you that show sales in your immediate area, or any area you'd like.  When I was up in Virginia, I had it set up to show me everything in Maryland, DC and Virginia. Even the stuff that was far away, because they also have photos that accompany the sale info, so you can see if the sale is worth a longer trip.  Brilliant.  I planned out 5 trips in one go last Friday!  There were actually a couple of people that I saw at multiple places.

2. EstateSales.Org - This site is similar to the first, though not quite as user friendly.  If you're a power-thrifter though, you'll want to add this one to the mix because it's got some different sales that .Net might not have.  It also pulls in some sales from Craigslist.  Which brings me to my next resource...

3. Craigslist - Though .Org pulls in sales from Craigslist, I always like to go to the source.  There's no link for estate sales in particular on the Craigslist home page, but you can just search "estate sale" and it will pull up lost of stuff.  Always check the dates!  You don't want to get stoked about a place and drive all the way out only to realize it was last week :P

4. Google - Yerp.  I'm sure you'd never think of this one on your own, but just googling "estate sale Austin" brought up lots of local dealers who are the ones that actually put on the sales.  Going directly to the source can help you get on their mailing lists and know everything they're up to.  The great thing about the first two sites are that they aggregate everything for you, but that also implies that each business is going to put each of their sales up on those services.  If you want to be extra thorough, go to the source.  You might even get to know them!

I hope these are helpful!  Remember to always be respectful of other's homes (sometimes you get to see some real time-capsules!).  And I never take photos at sales, also out of respect.  I always wait till I get home to share my finds with instagram :P  Do let me know if you find any treasures! I'd love to seeee!

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