Monday, June 17, 2013

May's Daily Drawings

May!  Last month we up to New York for the Bust Spring Craftacular, packed up everything we own and took a road trip across the country from Virginia to Texas.  We brought the laptop and tablet with us so even on the road I was able to do my drawings ^_^  

It was a very full month and I'm pretty sure we both ran the gamut of emotions.  But even with everything going on, we managed to take care of it all and made it safe and sound to our new home.  June is coming along nicely and I'm getting closer to being halfway done with the year.  Which is exciting until I remember that being halfway done means that the year's half over and this year is already moving too quickly.  2013 is turning out to be one of my most eventful years ever!

By the way...May 7th is definitely my favorite of this year!

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