Sunday, June 02, 2013

Leaving the East Coast - Part 2

So!  We'd just crossed into Tennessee and spent the night in a hotel.  We were so glad to get out of the car!  In the morning, we shoved everything and everyone back in the car and headed toward Nashville to meet my Aunt for lunch.  It was so great to be able to visit, even for just a little bit.

After lunch, we hit the road and were determined to get through the rest of Tennessee and all of Arkansas.  No offense to Arkansas, but your drivers on the interstate are the worst!  We were tail-gaited pretty much the entire time >_<  Maybe everyone else was in a hurry to get to Texas, too? ^_^

It was a long day, but we made it to Mt. Pleasant, TX to crash for the night.  I can't even tell you how it felt to cross that state line, knowing that I didn't have to leave.  It's still sinking in now!  I can't believe how lucky we are.  Here's some instagram photos from the rest of our trip

Our first Sonic of the trip in TN.  It was a big moment, you guys.
There's not a lot of pics of Arkansas because we were battling on the road the whole time :P

 The Little Czech Bakery is an institution in Texas. It's right off of I-35 in West, TX.  It was hard to not think about the recent tragedy in West, and I was glad that we could stop and help to support their local community.  The kolaches are just ridiculous there, by the way.

Andy and I are still settling in to the temporary housing his company set up for us.  It still feels a little bit like vacation since we don't have our stuff yet...and won't for another few weeks.  But we've already got a more permanent apartment, and we're so stoked to start saving money for a house ^_^ We're so glad to be here and to be setting down some roots.  Now, to explore Austin!!!

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