Friday, June 21, 2013

Hamilton Pool

My Aunt and I took an impromptu trip out to Hamilton Pool a week or so ago.  It's a bit further out from the city in Dripping Springs, and after the drive it's a bit of a hike down to the pool.  But it's so worth it.  Being a lover of geology and impressive natural phenomena, this place has been pretty high on my "OMG I Need to See That" list.  Also on that list are Jacob's Well and Enchanted Rock.  All just in Central Texas!

So on to photos of Hamilton Pool!  The path down was about a 10-15 minute hike and was just beautiful.  The hike back up can be a bit of a bear if you're way out of shape like me :P  But it's not impossible, so don't let that get in the way.

When you finally come up on the pool, it's just breathtaking.  You really see it through a part in the's just magical.
You can walk all the way around and under the outcropping.  Going behind the waterfalls is just so beautiful.
There's not always swimming allowed, but I'm glad there was the day we went so you could really get an idea of scale.  The waterfall isn't always falling, depending on the rain and health of the creek that fuels it.  So it was the perfect day to come out and shoot!

Love love love this spot!  I'd love to go back and spend more time hiking around.  There's no swimming right now, I'm guessing there will be few less people and I like the sound of that ^_^  Quick tip, go in the morning.  It get's really hot and the afternoon and it's a bit humid down by the water.  I really hope you get a chance to visit!

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