Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Daily Drawing: 162 | You Can Never Go Back

I went to my old hometown to visit my Grandfather and see an exhibit that was showing his and his cousins work.  He's a cartoonist and it was great to see some of his work that I hadn't seen before.  I went up with my aunt and one of my cousins and we got a whole tour with Granddaddy.  It's so crazy to see my old hometown more built up.  So much had changed and sooo much was the same.

I left that place just before turning 16 and it was a really difficult time for me.  Living in a small town and knowing everyone...having grown up with most of them...it gives you a different perspective when moving to a much bigger city.  And it makes it a lot more scary.  But when I look back, I'm so grateful for the relocation and it made me who I am today.  I needed that diversity and opportunity that just didn't exist back in that small town.  I also needed to meet my husband ^_^

But I'm glad I'm close enough to check in every once and while.  Drive by my childhood home, drive by the buildings and shops I remember.  And remember them how they used to be.  The nostalgia always gets to me.  I'm glad I can go back and even more glad that I can come home and make new memories.

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!

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