Sunday, June 09, 2013

Daily Drawing: 160 | Pancake Heaven

Today, I ate S'mores pancakes.  A co-worker of Andy's recommended Kerbey Lane Cafe as the best place in Austin for pancakes, and being lovers of breakfast, we gave it a try.  We had a really long wait, but we arrived at the height of Sunday Brunch, so we weren't put off.  It was gorgeous out and the food was well worth the wait.  S'mores pancakes! Ugh!  I'm sad they're just a limited time, but hopefully they'll bring them back eventually. So glad we went!

The rest of the day was super chill.  A quick stop by Target for a spray bottle, cuz Turks is determined to get in the laundry room no matter how many times I chase him out.  The spray bottle's gotta come out.  We napped and played lots of Animal Crossing New Leaf.  I looooove Animal Crossing and was so giddy to play the new one!  You should see my awesome house in the last one...and all my orchards.  Haha!  So fun!

I hope your weekend was equally as yummy and fun ^_^

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!

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