Friday, June 07, 2013

April's Drawings - Better Late than Never

April was...a while ago.  But I figured better than never when it came to sharing the whole month of drawings.  During April, I had a couple of milestones.  I reached my 100th daily drawing!  Being someone who is really good at starting projects and not seeing them through, this was a really fun milestone for me.  And I had sinus surgery!  It was a repeat surgery to remove polyps.  I hadn't been able to smell and had a very muted sense of taste for years...not to mention multiple sinus infections a year.  And now those are thing of the past!  I'll be able to maintain it a lot better now...and bbq tastes like ambrosia to the gods after years of not tasting!  So the black and whites were while I was recovering.  I just didn't have the energy to do the whole shebang.  And on April 18th Andy even subbed for me...cuz he's the best.

I hope you like seeing them all together as much as I do.  I'll be posted May shortly! Does anyone have a favorite?  It's a toss-up between the 1st and 27th for me!

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