Wednesday, May 01, 2013

The Road to Bust

So I've been talking about this for a while, and showing off some new designs as I venture into a more springy / summery vibe for my crochet, but this weekend is the Bust Magazine Spring Craftacular!  I"ll be in booth 46B, so you should come and say hi if you're in the area!  It's gonna be a really great time!  Not gonna lie, I lost my mind a little bit when I was accepted and just went full-throttle into making and getting ready for the event.  So my living room...and studio...and bedroom...kind of look like this right now...

Craft shows are always a little nerve racking for me.  At Crafty Bastards, I wasn't sure how I was going to do, since it was my first outing with crocheted scarves.  It's always scary to put yourself and your creative endeavor out into the world.  But, you'll never know what will happen until you just do it!  And it's never a failure if you enjoy what your doing.  Even if no one bought any of my scarves, I'd still have a closet full of scarves that I loved and could wear ^_^  Things actually went really well at Crafty Bastards and opened the door to so many other fun opportunities!  And I never would've known if I hadn't just gone for it.

These photos are just a few examples of what's piling up around the house in preparation for the show. Anyone want to help me weave in some ends?  I always save them till last because it's my least favorite part :P

Looking forward to meeting some makers and making some friends!

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