Sunday, May 12, 2013

Last week, on Instagram...

Last week, I shared that Andy and I are going to be moving to Austin!  We started packing and it's incredible how quickly you realize how much stuff you have :P 


  • We left New York after Bust and I totally made an awesome bun with no mirror.
  • Packing for Austin commences   I've been finding lots super cute things while going through everything.  Like this from the Hello Kitty for President event in DC last year.  (I went every day it was open!)
  • Turks is the king of power naps.
  • We were waiting at Metro Center Station and I did my best blogger face / outfit pic.  I'm usually suuuper awkward :P
  • Summer's in DC can be...challenging...with all the tourists.  If you see a hoard of teens in the same shirt, just be sure to get ahead of them on the metro escalators.   
  • Finding more super cute things while packing! My original Cheer Bear!
  • These guys.
  • Typical box labeling.

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