Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Daily Drawing: 141 - Goodbyes will punch you in the gut

The movers come tomorrow! Erm...today :/

We saw my parents and sister for the last time before our move.  It was so nice being able to pop over and surprise them with some early birthday cake for mom and yummy pizza dinner.  It's so hard to leave them here and I'm going to miss seeing their faces and hugging their necks.  But thank goodness technology has made the world such a small place.  I definitely had a hard time saying bye, but I know Daddy will still call me on his way home from work, and Mom will be on gchat so I can bug her.  So much love will definitely stay in Maryland as we head down to Texas.

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!

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