Friday, May 17, 2013

Daily Drawing: 137 | End of an Era

I had a lot of feels today :P  It was my last day at my job.  I'd been there for over 3 years and seen it through from a start up, when we were just a handful of people on the top floor of an office in Chinatown, to becoming an international company and household name.  I'm so proud of the work I did there and ridiculous experience I gained from it.  I lead a team of photographers / photo editors and I can't believe how wonderful they've all been to lead.  I've watched them grow their craft and their professional careers and I couldn't be more proud of them!

Another plus, was that I met my husband there!  Little did I know that when first met him during my interview, that I end up married to him!  I guess talking about Star Wars during your interview is a good thing ^_^ During this crazy transitional time he's been my best friend.  I'm so lucky!

But yeah.  There were lots of laughs and a few tears today.  But I know we'll all stay in touch and hope some folks come to visit us in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas!
This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!

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