Saturday, April 06, 2013

Spring Scarves

I've been working on a few new designs to add to the shop!  They'll be going up in my Etsy store later this weekend, but I wanted to share them here first.  I'd love to know what you think!

This might be my favorite yarn color ever in the history of all yarns.  The neon pink is just the most perfect pink!  And I get pretty picky about my pinks.
This is another neon.  both of these are really loose and light, more like necklaces than scarves.  I think they're great for spring and summer if you want to add a little color and texture to your outfit.
These guys look really warm and heavy, but they're actually stitched very loosely and are more...fluffy.  They're both super light, and if you want to bundle you can wrap it around three times, but it's great just wrapped twice!  I've really been liking them for the spring mornings when it's still in the 30s and 40s but the afternoons warm up.

And this is probably my favorite style of all.  I've got gradients, or ombre if you're cool, in pink, purple and teal coming to the shop!  This yarn is amazingly soft and shiney and the colors are just so fun!

I'll holler when they're up in the shop!  And these are going to be most of my inventory for the Bust Craftacular on May 4th.  So much stitchin' to do!

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