Wednesday, April 03, 2013


Last week, we had the most amazing stay-cation.  The last destination on our trek around Virginia was Monticello.  Andy had been once before, and I'd never visited.  It's always been one of those places I'd like to check off my bucket list.  So we hopped in the car for a 3 hour jaunt to Charlottesville, VA.  The house tour was sold out by the time we got there, but we were able to tour the grounds and the gardens.    It was just gorgeous.

This is the back of the house.  Pretty impressive backdoor.  We actually met someone who was moving from Texas to Connecticut and stopped here on the way.  It's always great meeting another displaced Texan :)

The kitchen was fascinating   The burners on the side and crazy contraption for the spit.  It's so wild to think that people really lived this way, not so long ago.

I'm a sucker for vintage notions.  Look how teeny and delicate that thimble is!
We spent most of the time walking around the garden.  Apparently, Jefferson was really into the placement of plants and what grew best next to each other.  It's still a functioning vegetable garden now!  
Oh yeah, and the view from the garden.  Just gorgeous!
We got to visit Thomas Jefferson's grave, too.  It's just a short walk down the hill from the house.
My favorite part about this photo is the lady's face behind me! Haha!
 I'd definitely like to visit again and do the whole house tour.  It's not a far drive and Jefferson was such a fascinating, brilliant man, I'd definitely recommend hopping over if you can.  Charlottesville is super cute, too.  We drove in after Monticello and they have a really cute downtown area.  We stopped at a place called Nook, and had the most amazing grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches.  mmm... Definitely a good way to round out a long day of sightseeing.

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