Sunday, April 21, 2013

Last week, on Instagram...

  1. One of our favorite traditions as a couple is our early Sunday movies.  We've got a great theater near us that's virtually empty on Sunday mornings, and this showing was the perfect example.  Only one other person in the whole theater for our 3D viewing of Jurassic Park.  Too bad it wasn't just us so we could quote the whole movie :P
  2. I posted a quick crochet tip for keeping a nice loose chain on your work.
  3. Sprinkles must've known that I was a little nervous about my procedure the next day, and was extra snuggly with me on Tuesday night.
  4. We spent a lot of time in waiting rooms getting ready to have my sinus polyps removed, so a bag of crochet projects was a necessity.
  5. My procedure went well...faster than the doctor had predicted and I got to go straight home from the hospital.  I might tell the whole exciting story sometime later ^_^
  6. Turks has been the most amazingly loving little creature since I got back from the hospital.  He's hardly left my side and just sits and snugs and purrs all day while I drift in and out of sleep.  He's The Best Cat™.
  7. Even in my painkiller haze, I had to get out a Thrift Thursday post (even if it was a day late).  Denova is one of my favorite spots!
  8. Another Denova pic, because I neeeeeed that mirror in my life. 
  9. Annnd...another shameless pic of Turks the Sweetest Kitten!

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