Sunday, April 07, 2013

Last week, on Instagram...

Last week I started a couple of new features on the blog, Thrifty Thursday and Friend-spiration Friday. Hooray aliteration!  I also found out I was accepted to the Bust Spring Craftacular (eep!), so most of the week I was preparing for that.  So exciting!

I unraveled one project to start another.  It always seems like a good idea, then you have a lap full of yarn and have to battle kittens from eating it.
The DC metro continues to be both the best and worst at the same time. 
Turkleton J. Kittenpants also continues to the be the best and the worst :P We've got metal doors on our bedroom closet and he decided to just punch the doors all night just for attention >_< But how can you stay upset with that face?
I finally started a quick refurbish project with these shelves that I found at a couple of thrift stores in the area.
I shared this one on the blog as well...but I just love how the pinks turned out, so I to toss it in again ^_^

Looking forward to anther full week!  I've been planning out posts for the week and I'll have fun shop announcement with new spring scarves ready to go.  Happy Sunday!

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