Sunday, April 14, 2013

Daily Drawing: 104 | A Sleepy Day in Kitten Town

We might have taken a couple of naps today.  And they were soooo nice.  Turks gets super excited for bed time and nap time, so he was all up ons most of the day.  Every time we get in bed, you just have to wait a second to hear the puff of the comforter and feel the stompin' boots of a kitten who's about to be up in your face purring.  It's super cute, except when he tries to pet your face when you're almost asleep  :P

Between the naps and soooo much crochet, we saw Jurassic Park in 3D today!  It's one of our favorite movies and one of the things we bonded over when we first met.  You know I love myself some dinosaurs.  It was so fun to see the movie in the theater again, especially in the early Sunday morning showing when there's only one other person in the theater.  So good.

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