Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Pink Samurai at Blogcademy

I'm shipping these beauties off to the talented Headmistresses and Blogcadets for Blogcademy in Portland!  The ladies who founded Blogcademy are beyond talented and such an inspiration for anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit.  I'd actually followed all of their blogs independently for a long time before I realized they were friends.  Kat's Rock and Roll Bride was a daily staple for me when I was planning my wedding.  A friend of mine sent me Shauna's blog about a year ago and her Link Love feature is my absolute favorite...she finds the best stuff!  And Gala's style just kills me!  Black and white and pink forever.  I'm so glad I could be a little part of their incredible project.

I'm really happy with how the scarves turned out.  I did a mix of their branded colors (totally cleaned out all of Northern Virginia of Vanna's Choice in Aqua and Silver Heather) in my Triple Wrap and Chunky Cowl patterns.  I hope everyone attending loves them!

1 comment:

  1. They are beautiful! I can't wait. Portland it going to be FUN!


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