Friday, March 29, 2013

First Crochet Class

So I mentioned this a while back and it took me way too long to post about it.  At my day-job, they've got lots of after-work events, usually some kind of happy hour or yoga.  But I was asked to do a crochet class, and I absolutely obliged.

Being completely self-taught (mostly by youtube :P), I was super nervous that I'd be terrible teacher. So the weekend before, Andy was the best husband ever and let me teach him a slipknot, chain and single crochet!  It was a huge help to really tell where I was over or under communicating.  Any time you have to present anything, I recommend a dry-run every single time.  That weekend before, I also went to Michael's and picked up some yarn and hooks.  We used a chunky Bernat and 9mm hooks...I thought it would be easier for them to see their work on the big stuff.

About 9 people showed up and it was super fun!  I'm not gonna lie, learning a new craft, no matter what it is, can be hard.  But everyone did really great!  I was so proud of everyone's progress and it was great the following week when they'd come up to me and show me pics of how their projects were progressing.

I would love to have the opportunity to teach some more.  Learning a new skill is so fun and so rewarding.  Seeing how people can take the knowledge you give them and turn it into something all their own is just...awesome! 

Also, a huge thanks to my friend Kristen Kochanski for taking photos.  Aside from her photography...she's also started a food blog.  So ridiculously talented!


  1. That's wonderful! I wasn't there, of course, but it looks like you did a great job:) Smart yarn choice too!

  2. Thanks! I wish they'd had more of the fun colors from that line!


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