Saturday, March 16, 2013

Exploring Color Palettes

I've been working on a pretty large project lately that's been taking up a lot of time, but last weekend, I took some time away to take some fun photos of some of the newer stuff I've been exploring.  My Fall/Winter palette is pretty versatile, but I've been aching for some more bright, springy colors!  I've also been exploring styling options for scarves in the warmer weather.  A chunky scarf with a tank is one of my favorite looks.

This grey is variation of my Perfect Chunky Cowl.  It's 50% lambs wool and 50% acrylic.  The yarn I've used here is SUPER light!  It's like like crocheting little pillows.

The is what I call Blogcademy Blue ^_^ (and a hint as to what my big project is).  It's a Triple Wrap and one of my better designs for warmer weather.  You can triple wrap it on chilly mornings and then double to loosen it up as the day warms up.

This one is another Perfect Chunky Cowl...but in the most incredibly perfect neon pink I've ever seen!  The yarn for this one is chunky, but still soft.  Like a mix between worsted and soft.  I'm kind of obsessed with it.  This color, a neon fuchsia and neon purple are absolutely coming to the shop soon.

This one is just a prototype.  My first attempt at an ombre cowl.  I love how this turned out...though it's a bit big and unwieldy haha!  I'm still on the search for the perfect yarn in good gradient colors.  Any suggestions are more than welcome!!!

Please let me know what you think!  And stop by my shop to peep some other designs that are currently for sale ^_^

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