Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daily Drawing: 86 | Hello, Atlantic

So yesterday we were up in the mountains of Virginia and today we drove to the beaches of Maryland. Ocean City, MD is a special place, full of kitsch, fried foods and super-fun arcades.  I went to school just about half an hour away and loved being able to pop over and just walk in the ocean whenever I felt like it.

We visited a couple of years ago around the same time of year and the off-season is definitely the time to go.  The summer it just turns into a mad house of tourists, and living in DC, I get more than my fair share of bumbling fanny packs.  So even though it can be a bit cold, April-ish works best for us.

Anyway!  I'll share some photos later this week.  Now for the Daily Drawing!

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!

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