Thursday, March 21, 2013

Daily Drawing: 80 | My Favorite Type Foundry

You guys.  I love House Industries.  I was lucky enough to meet Rich Roat and hear him speak a couple of years ago in was so cool hearing about the history of their company.  Not to mention talking about what it's like in Delaware and on Maryland's Eastern Shore. (I went to school in Salisubury, MD)

But anyway, I've loved every interaction I've had with this foundry! I have a couple of fonts and might be longing for a couple more.  I'm rockin' this shirt today, and have added these new blocks to my small, but growing, kokeshi doll collection.  And if you follow my Instagram, you'll see that I loooove their new Photo-lettering App!

If you're not in the market for a more pricey font, then they've got you covered with their first Photo-lettering venture.  I've gotten a couple of one-off pieces made this way and it's so worth it!

Yerp.  They can do no wrong in my eyes ♡

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!

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