Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Daily Drawing: 78 | Comfort Clothes

I had a big presentation at work today to a boss's boss that I'd been ridiculously nervous about for a couple of weeks...but it went really well and I got everything I wanted out of the meeting.  Not a terrible day at the day-job.

I attribute to my comfort clothes.  You know that go-to outfit, you're kind of "you-niform"? (I'm not sorry for that pun. At all.)  Mine is a comfy pair gap jeans, a white v-neck and a cardigan.  I also wore a necklace that Andy got me on our honeymoon for extra luck!  Those things just make me more comfortable and so much more confident because they're just unequivocally me ^_^

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!

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