Sunday, March 10, 2013

Annapolis Weekend

A good friend of mine was in town for her bridal shower this weekend, and we met up with her for some yummy crab in Annapolis.  I spent a lot of time in downtown Annapolis during my highschool and community college days and it's changed quite a bit in the 14 years I've in the area.  I took a few shots as Andy and wandered around the water.

This is "Ego Alley", where all the fancy pants people with boats park them where everyone can see.

If you ever travel to Annapolis, you MUST have Storm Bros. ice cream.  Nothing beats it...except Blue Bell ^_^

Lots of cute shops to stop in, though it's definitely been trending more towards touristy now.

I'm a sucker for a hand-painted sign.
I definitely recommend a visit to the area!  It's in between DC and Baltimore, so you can definitely get a lot out of one trip ^_^

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