Saturday, February 23, 2013

Daily Drawing: 54 | Micro World

I wore the floppiest, coziest, itchiest sweater today.

It was a pretty miserable day, weather wise.  Grey, sprinkling and lower 40s...aka The Worst™.  But we braved the nasty to go on a scavenger hunt for a very specific yarn color I need.  And we pretty much cleaned out all the Michael's and A.C. Moore's in Northern Virginia ^_^  Victory!

The last Michael's we went to was in the most incredible shopping center.  Right next door was what looked to be the last consumer electronics store in the country...Micro World.  Rows and rows of CD-Rs, a Macintosh Systems Section, and what looked like the best customer service ever.  It was so unreal!  If you ever feel like building your own computer, I would absolutely suggest starting there.

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