Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy New Year!

At the Helms household we rang the New Year in being stupidly sick.  I've had a bacterial infection for about a week (gross! tmi!) and it's probably the most ill I've been in a long time.  Luckily it happened the day after Christmas, so our family festivities weren't impacted.  We had a wonderful time with family and I got to do a smidge of entertaining, wear a fancy dress and listen to Christmas records all day.  It was perfect.

But, with Christmas's passing comes the inevitable New Year and all the goals and resolutions that come with that.  I was actually able to cross quiet a few things off my list from 2012, so I'm pretty hopeful about 2013.  One of my big goals was to start and finish a 365 project.

I worked on some daily illustrations of what I wore last year, and I wanted to start fresh and see if I can make it all the way through the year.  So here's to today ^_^

Andy and I have lots more plans for the year and projects to start and finish, so getting this first drawing up on time already gives me a sense of accomplishment ^_^


  1. Glad you did get to enjoy Christmas:) And I hope you'll feel better soon. At least you do seem to have a lovely cowl;) Lovely drawing!



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