Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Daily Grind

Just checking in on the blog. My day job has been plugging along and most of the time it takes a lot out of me. By the time we both get home we're pretty wiped out and just veg out on the couch watching Star Trek TNG and Downton Abby. Not gonna lie, I kind of love it. But I do wish I had more time to spend on the things that I love doing. Making stuff...cooking...taking photos...

I like my day job and love the people I work with. I just wish that I could make buttons and design fun things while working instead of going to meetings haha. So it's time to be a little more dedicated and really make the time to do what I love ^_^

Feeling pretty good...here's giant photos of my face to prove it



1 comment:

  1. High five for feeling good. And I agree, oh why do we have to be grown ups with real jobs? *sigh*


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