Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Whiterock Overlook

On our honeymoon to Santa Fe, we took some time to visit a special scenic overlook called Whiterock Overlook. We stopped off here on the way to Bandolier, which I'll share next week. But the overlook was just so amazingly breath-taking. I could've stayed there all day. And I'm convinced that sunrise and sunset there would be so beautiful I'd just throw up everywhere.

This waterfall and stream were so gorgeous. It was so quiet you could hear the water falling and the river babbling.

A closer shot.

The other side of this cactus is oblivion! I made poor Andy so nervous by playing at the edge.

But he stood pretty close, too ^_^

I love cacti! Succulents are my favorites.

The Rio Grand. We could hear the rushing river! I just can't accurately describe how amazing it is to hear that and be surrounded by such natural beauty.


We bought a Holga at a small photo shop on the plaza and had so much taking pictures! I'll share what we got developed from it and the Lomo we brought along ^_^



That's the very edge of the mesa.
See that railing? See that shear drop? Yeah. I'm a badass.

Getting out there on the edge of a mesa was no problem. But turning around and have my perif just be a straight drop more than 100 feet down was...disconcerting. But I was on the edge of an effing mesa!!! So awesome.
This last one is from Andy's instagram ^_^

I still can't get over how gorgeous it was there. So peaceful and quiet, with a cool breeze blowing and the sound of the river rushing and the waterfall quietly rolling over the rocks behind us. Just phenomenal.


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