Saturday, January 14, 2012

Oh yeah...I make buttons


I've been thinking a lot about my shop lately. Where it's been and where I want it to go. I've been selling on Etsy for almost 7 years and The Pink Samurai has gone from hand-sewn bags, to cross stitch, to buttons and everything in between. Changing direction is totally natural for any personal venture, and I'm itching for something new about now. These buttons are little different from my more super anime themed stuff and think these reflect a little bit more of who I am right now ^_^ I've been reading through Elsie's Dream Job e-course and even after being in business for myself for 7 years, there's still so much to plan for and think about. Especially if you want to take things to next level. I'm looking to have these guys listed soon, but I've got a pretty big rebranding effort in the works! So the goal is by Spring to unveil the new shop / products / blog / everything.

Wish me luck!


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