Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year! Let's do this, 2012.


Happy New Year! I'm pretty stoked for this year. 2011 was really good to me and I'm looking forward to my first full year as a married woman. Last night we rung in the year, cozy at home, watching Star Trek TNG episodes and midnight struck when we were in the middle of playing River City Ransom on the Wii ^_^ I can't really think of a better way to celebrate.

I've got a lot planned for this year. I've had this blog for almost 6 years and have gone through spurts of updates...personal posts...diys...trying to keep up with regular features. There's a lot I want to accomplish this year and with a little focus and foresight, things will start getting more consistant in my internet and real life :P

Now is time for a shower and breakfast and to start 2012!

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