Sunday, January 15, 2012

DC Tattoo Expo


So coming out of the Metro on Thursday night after work, we were greeting by this giant sign infront of the perpetually-under-construction Einstein Bagels in the lobby of the Marriot. It sounds ridiculous, but Crystal City is a ridiculous place. Anyway! Tattoos!!!

When we got home, I googled the expo and peeped through all the artists that were there and decided we'd go during the weekend. I had an inkling of a thought that I'd get something done, but to my Mom's relief, I went the weekend without any new ink. BUT! I did find an artist who's work I feel in love with. Cyn Rudzis of Cirque du Rouge Tattoo and Piercing has the most amazing work! We stopped by the expo to see what it was all about and to stop by her shop's booth. Here's some shots of the show...


This last pic was from the Ciruqe du Rouge booth. Liaa was just finishing up a gorgeous peacock. We didn't end up talking to anyone, just snapped some iPhone pics and admired some really great work. That night, though, I sent quick email to Cyn and her shop, seeing about getting on to her waitlist. Turns out her list goes way out into June/July! I was more than willing to wait for something that would be on me forever ^_^ Then this morning I get a note from Cyn herself, saying that she'd like to bump me up because she loved my concept so much! I've got an appointment in 3 weeks to meet with her!


The tattoo is a secret for now...but I'm so super excited to get it done! I had already been thinking about getting my matching Texas tattoo on my left arm when we go back in June. So 2012 might be the year of the amazing tattooed lady haha.


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