Saturday, December 17, 2011

Office Christmas Party


Our company Christmas party was this week and we got dressed up! It's been a pretty exhausting work week and it was fun to just go out and see all the people I'd just seen 2 hours prior, but a fancier version of them. I didn't have my camera or phone out, but was lucky to get a couple of shots from coworkers.

ls photo girls
These are some of my girls! I'm so lucky to get to work with these ladies every day. They are phenomenal at what they do, are totally hilarious and they indulge me in my cat videos during our daily meetings ^_^

Andy and I took these on the way home. We were waiting for the Metro and I took a picture of my legs...and he too a picture of me taking a picture of my legs haha. I might have to find another reason to wear this outfit and make up again ^_^ BY THE WAY! I tweeted about watching Lisa Eldridge make up videos all day and she totally tweeted back at me! Huge fan girl moment for a minute. She said I looked good and liked my bow <3 I totally made that bow the night before because I wanted something else for my hair. Anyway, yeah, kind of awesome.


dress » Red Velvet
shoes » Steve Madden
makeup tutorial » Lisa Eldridge

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, I love the last photo, it's so cool! :)


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