Saturday, December 10, 2011

28 before 29


I love the idea of lists. I can't get through the day without writing down pretty much everything I need to do and everything I've done. Including, but not limited to, -Get out of bed, -Take a shower, -Get dressed, and so forth. So when I saw Elsie do a yearly list centered around her birthday, I had to get in on it. My birthday was Nov. 4, so I'm a little late getting this up here, but whatevs. Here it goes!

1. Start blogging again
2. Make button collections
3. Go on a vacation adventure
4. Take photos everyday
5. Expand products in shop
6. Sew a dress
7. Organize nail polish collection
8. Make seasonal decorations for our home
9. Hang framed family photos
10. Enjoy my first year of marriage
11. Draw something everyday
12. Make prints of illustrations
13. Participate in at least one craft fair
14. Get an Instax & fill an album
15. Make candles
16. Sew ties for Andy
17. Watch classic movies I've never seen
18. Visit the ocean
19. Expand my wardrobe & be more adventurous
20. Find a new favorite video game
21. Cook dinner during the week
22. Get my sense of smell back
23. Play with tubcat
24. Learn to crochet
25. Get a new tattoo
26. Visit family from far away
27. Go to Texas
28. Play with makeup / classes

I'm already making a good start on the list...but there's definitely a lot to accomplish! Has anyone else got some long term goals?


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