Monday, March 16, 2009

Twitter Buttons

Being a twitter fanatic and button maker, I created these guys.  Custom buttons with your twitter name and background!

I love them ^_^  you can get yours here.  My vision is that people can get them for themselves and friends.  In my head I see a messenger bag full of followers and friends!

I'm in front with my boyfriend to the left and our roommate to the right.  We rock twitter all day long!  Holla.


  1. Lmao I saw the etsy posting and somehow I feel that dick had a hand in the twitpic part...

  2. These are super awesome! :D

  3. These are great! I do not tweet, but I'll get the word out to those who do!


Sorry for the extra step! Lots of spam means a bit more security here. I'll post your comments asap!