Thursday, January 03, 2008

Big stuff today!

So today there is a meeting at 5:30pm for a co-op that might be starting in my town.  This is an awesome opportunity for me to get more of my stuff out into the public realm.  I'm going to get a little portfolio together at Kinkos to bring so I can be one step ahead.  Wish me luck!

Also, I'm getting a fish today.  I'm just as excited about that as I am about the meeting lol ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Namaste Pink Samurai,
    Glad you are preparing to infect public realm with your stuffz! Look forward to seeing more of your creative thought process.

    The co-op definitely sounds like great fun. Keep us informed of your involvement.

    (this is a HATE FREE comment!)


Sorry for the extra step! Lots of spam means a bit more security here. I'll post your comments asap!